3D Hologram Fan

Easy to Set up

Allow Combined Use

90% High Transparency

176 Degree Wide Viewing Angle

Low Transportation & Installation Costs


Download Product Specification:  3D Hologram Fan Spec. – LA Visual



What is a 3D hologram fan?


A 3D hologram fan is a device that creates the illusion of a floating 3D image or video through the use of rotating LEDs on a fan-like structure. By rapidly rotating the LEDs, the fan creates the illusion of a 3D image that appears to be floating in mid-air. These devices are often used for advertising and promotional purposes, and are commonly seen in stores and at events. They are also used in art installations and for entertainment purposes.



Where can 3D hologram fans be applied to?


1. Advertising and Promotion:

3D hologram fans are commonly used for advertising and promotion purposes, to grab the attention of potential customers and provide an engaging and memorable experience that increases brand awareness.


2. Exhibition and Events:

Hologram fans can be used as an attraction in exhibitions, trade shows, and events, providing a visually striking and interactive display that draws crowds and keeps them engaged.


3. Education and Entertainment:

Hologram fans can also be used in education and entertainment settings, adding an extra dimension to 3D simulation, immersive gaming, and holographic concerts.





Hologram fans as a visual communication tool for retail stores:


The hologram fan can be an effective visual communication tool for retail stores. It can be used to showcase products, promote sales and special offers, and create an immersive shopping experience for customers. With its eye-catching and vivid display, the hologram fan can attract shoppers from afar and engage them in a way that traditional advertising methods may not be able to achieve.


Retailers can use hologram fans to display their products in a more creative and interactive manner. For example, the fan can show a 3D model of a product, highlighting its key features and benefits, or it can be used to display videos or animations related to a product or a brand story. This helps to make the products more appealing and memorable, and can encourage people to make purchases.


In addition, hologram fans can be used to create a unique in-store experience that sets a retail store apart from its competitors. By using creative designs and engaging content, retailers can create an immersive environment that can leave a positive and lasting impression on shoppers.


Overall, 3D hologram fans can be an effective visual communication tool for retail stores, enhancing the customer experience and increasing sales.





What benefits do 3D hologram fans offer?


1. Attention-Grabbing and Engaging Display:

Hologram fans produce holographic images that are eye-catching, memorable, and intriguing, drawing the attention of viewers and keeping them engaged.


2. Portability:

The light and portable design of hologram fans makes them easy to move around and set up, allowing for greater flexibility in deployment.


3. Cost-Effective:

Compared to other transparent display technologies, hologram fans are typically more affordable and require less power consumption and maintenance costs.


4. Enhanced Branding:

With their visually impressive and interactive display, hologram fans can help create a stronger branding effect, delivering a message that’s difficult to ignore.


In conclusion, the 3D hologram fan is an ideal device for businesses and organizations looking to create a distinctive, attention-grabbing visual impact in a range of scenarios.





What are the advantages of 3D hologram fans over other transparent displays?


The main advantage of 3D hologram fans overother transparent displays, such as LED films or transparent LCD screens, is that they create a more engaging and immersive viewing experience. The holographic images produced by the fans appear to float in mid-air and can be viewed from different angles, which makes them more attention-grabbing and memorable.


Another advantage of 3D hologram fans is their portability. They are lightweight, easy to set up and can be moved around to different locations, making them ideal for event and exhibition use.


Additionally, hologram fans are more cost-effective than other transparent display technologies, making them an attractive option for businesses with limited budgets. They require less power consumption and maintenance compared to transparent LCD screens, which can be expensive to repair or replace.


Overall, these advantages make 3D hologram fans a popular choice for advertising and promotion as well as for special events and installations.



Additional information



Diameter (cm)

47cm, 56cm, 65cm, 70cm, 75cm, 82.5cm, 100cm, 151cm, 198cm


512*512, 612*612, 896*896, 768*768, 1024*1024, 896*896, 1024*1024, 3072*3072, 2688*2688

Brightness (cd/m2)

1700cd/m2, 1870cd/m2, 3000cd/m2, 1870cd/m2, 3000cd/m2, 1870cd/m2, 1870cd/m2, 3740cd/m2, 5000cd/m2

Frame Rate (Hz)



Bluetooth, Remote Control

Lifespan (hrs)



1 year


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